It was surely a different experience for the trainees to visit the St. Joseph dispensary, Nongstoin. The visit was facilitated by sr. Celistina and Karin Kharkongor the trainer who accompanied the batch of students for this experience. In the dispensary, Sr. Cherupushpam the administator ensured that the students were given the right orientation and information about the dispensary as well as the systems and processes followed in the dispensary. 

During the visit the students were divided into two groups. The administrator gave orientation to the trainees about the dispensary and explained the trainees about the set up and management of the dispensary as well as any hospital.. The orientation consisted of informatino on reception, examination room, doctor's cabin, nursing station, pharmacy, pediatric ward, and general ward, laboratory, and labor room. The administrator also aensured that the session was very iteractive and appreciated the good response of the group. After the orientation, she also talked about the qualities needed in the hospital, grooming, punctuality, willingness to learn and work, patient care, and service. She motivated and encouraged the students about the different challenges they are going to experience when working in the hospital especially the need for lot of patience, hard work, dedication and being honest in whatever they do. She also wished them best for their future and hoped that they would get good jobs and build a career in the nursing or related caring profession.

Teh visit was a great experience for the trainees since this is not only part of the training but provides them with an insight into working procedures. Overall the trainees had a great time through the field visit where they were highly motivated and gained practial knowledge through this exposure visit. They were grateful to the staff who organsied this event as well as the dispensary management for thier suport and input during the same.