On July 27,2020, Batch Inauguration cum Parents meeting of Assistant Beauty Therapist domain was organized by Ms. Priyadarshini (Communicative and ITES trainer), Ms. Pradnya (Assistant Beauty Therapist Trainer), and Mr. Parveen (Mobilizer). The meeting was held using the zoom application.

The ‘introduction to the beautician’ was taken by Ms. Pradnya. She explained the syllabus of the textbook provided by Don Bosco. She said that all topics will be covered during the training session. She also promised students that she would demonstrate practically online using her neighbor as a volunteer.

Importance of Communication and Grooming was explained by Ms.Priyadarshini. She explained how grooming is very important in professional life. Questions raised by their parents were also addressed by her. She also explained different courses offered by Don Bosco Tech- Trombay. Parents were very excited to listen to the session.

Meeting ended with a vote of thanks addressed by Mr. Pradnya.