Don Bosco Tech (Krishnagar, West Bengal) conducted a field visit for the trainees of Electrician domain who are enrolled under First batch, Year 5 under Axis Bank Foundation (ABF) at a Krishnagar Road Station, a Sub-station, Krishnagar division in West Bengal. 22 trainees under the guidance of Mr. Amal Krishna Saha, (Staff - Don Bosco Technical School and Private ITI, Krishnagar) participated in the field visit. 


Mr. Amal greeted the trainees and bestowed Don Bosco Tech with praises for their commendable work to skill train and place the youth in various sector and department.


Before the visit to various section and departments of the station commence, he briefly discussed about the working nature of an Electrical station and supply. On closing the discussion, trainees visited the transformer room where they learned about incoming and outgoing lines, working process of transformers, kilovolt and various types of electric and control board.


Mr. Amal motivated the trainees with positive feedback on the knowledge and the zeal to learn new thing about the Electric and its various purpose. He wished them a better future. Finally the exposure visit concluded with a word of appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Amal for spending his precious time in educating the youth for better tomorrow.