
Don Bosco Tech - Kalimpong is a job oriented training Institute that prepares the young for life and qualifies them with different skills to face the challenges of this competitive world.

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Short term vocational training programs are of three months' duration, in which the students are given technical inputs prepared in consultation with industry experts and professionals. The course includes on-the-job training, assignments and field visits. Valuable life skills are also integrated into the curriculum through an interactive teaching process.

Course NameQualification NameDurationStrengthCertification
Food & Beverage Service - Associate10th StandardShort Term25DB TECH
Automotive Showroom Host8th PassShort Term30Third Party Assessment

Facilities Available

No. of Classrooms 5
Total Seating Capacity 150
Practical Classes Yes
Computer Lab Yes
Staff Room Yes
Generator/ Backup Yes
Playground Yes
Hostel Yes

Bosco Plus

Career Guidance
Field Visit
On-the-Job Training
Post-Placement Support
Tracking of Alumni

Trainees Day

Trainees Day India celebrates Children's Day on 14th of November every year as a tribute to our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as he was born on 14th  of November 1889. Nehru, fondly called Chacha Nehru, shared a affectionate bond with children. On this special day Don Bosoc Tech Kalimpong, conduted various programs to celebrate the children's day. But We celebrated it as the Trainees day because all our students are grown up.  The program started at sharp 9:30 at the auditorium where all the students and staffs gathered to celebrate the trainees day. Our