Clara Niketan had a guest lecture for SMO trainees on January 30, 2020. Mr. Prem Narayan Maheshwari owner of Adarsh tailor was invited. He was called on purpose to mainly show how a Male paint is drafted and how its cutting stitching has been done. A full paint Demo was given with actual measurements.

Mr. Prem then shared different types of challenges one faces while stitching. He showed how to be more creative while stitching. He shared some benefits of being a tailor and the demand it has in this field. He motivated the trainees for the job to gain the real experience of a tailor.

He shared his own life story to explain how he began and now he is the most in-demand as a tailor in his village. He earns a good lump sum amount in a month. He said that if you do not want to do a job in this field, you can also run your business by taking experience by working in a boutique, company, or factory. The session was concluded with a vote of thanks given by the SMO trainer.