The guest lecture was held on December 14, 2020, on ZOOM on the topic of Health and Hygiene for Electric Domestic Solution candidates of Golaghat center. Sister Sangeeta Baghwar was invited for the online guest lecture. She is a nurse at Golaghat Civil Hospital. Mr. Prem Sagar gave the words of welcome and gave an introduction of Sir. Amos, the State Coordinator, and the trainees. Sister Sangeeta was very delighted to extend her knowledge regarding health and hygiene. Has she begun asking- Why health and Hygiene are important?
Kushal Basumatary one of the trainees answered- by saying to keep one’s body healthy and free from sickness and to avoid spreading. Sister Sangeeta Baghwar appreciated Kushal Basumatary for his prompt answer. In this COVID situation, Sister encouraged trainees to practice basic hygiene routines and keep the surroundings neat and clean. Some of the basic hygiene tips she shared are having a regular bath, getting sufficient hours of sleep, regular washing of hands with soap, brushing of teeth, wearing clean clothes and keeping our nails short, etc. She advised trainees to learn basic first aid as knowing first aid can save people’s lives in times of emergency. In the conclusion, she told trainees to exercise and remain active, and have a positive attitude to be healthy and happy.