To provide realistic knowledge for the blood bank technician trainees from the field, Don Bosco Tech Guntur, centre team has conducted a field visit on 15th January 2021. The Field Visit for the clinical posting to the different laboratories for the clinical exposure visit to the students. The purpose of conducting the visit was, to improve their learnt subject practically so much whichever they learnt in the classroom sessions.

It was another teaching method for the students who can gain knowledge by seeing practically, and training practically with the donors in the field to improve their skills. This session worked effectively for the trainees to work perfectly in their work field.

They developed self-confidence by going for field visits after the one month training period. They learned the different procedures, biochemistry, microbiology and instruments and their names, the purpose of using the instruments by following the team instructions.

At the end of the clinical posting, the students got the confidence to work in laboratories legally. For the poor students, it was a great opportunity, it enlightens the spirit of those seeking support to work for their needs. The students also participated in the blood donating camps which were organized by Government Hospital in the field, it was a great invention for the trainees to get practice, and also the great work by the government towards the people.

Trainees have collected 750 bags of blood from the donors in the blood donation camp arranged by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The people from the blood donation camp appreciated the trainees for their help and admired Don Bosco Tech Society for providing skill training to the unemployed youth freely. The management of the government hospital encouraged the trainees to build their careers in the health department.