Don Bosco Tech Guntur ( JMJSSS)

Guest Lecture report of Food and Beverage Service - Steward

 Decemebr 3, 2019.


To enrich the skills of trainees in hospitality industry, the team of Don Bosco Tech Guntur, Andhrapradesh organized a Guest Lecturer for hospitality domain on Decemebr 3rd, 2019. Mr.K.Surendra, Front Office Manager and Mr.Raju Asst. Operation Manager, working at Hotel Sindoori, Guntur invited to the centre as guest lecturers to inspire the trainees by their words.

 Team of Don Bosco Tech guntur centre staff welcomed the guests into the class to give lecture. Trainer introduced about centre as "Don Bosco Tech Guntur center supported by Accenture CSR company to provide skill training for needy youth, monitored by the sisters of JMJ Social Service Society in city. Youth of Guntur is extremely privileged with the execution of hospitality with the assistance of Accenture. Many not-so-fortunate youth registered their names and attending classes regularly. Their need to attain placement turned them to be more interested towards the class room sessions".

The Guests were happy to give lecture to the trainees those who are willing to build their career in Hospitality Industry. Lecturers start off the topic about interpret and comprehend the work place necessities and work description. Mr.K.Surendra and Mr.Raju were started interacting with the students. Mr. Raju initiated the speech with a brief definition on Hospitality and he continued with its management and various departments in Hotel.

He continued session, by explaining about the significance of production department and dining are made very vivid. Apart from this the major issues that’s been discussed about behavioural skills with guest, " Steward should have need of patience, respect towards the arrival guests of Hotel, sharpness to handle the all types of Guests, Specifically serving techniques". Said by Mr.Raju.

Mr. K Surendra have suggested few tips to the trainees which will reduces the work burden at work place. He advised the students to treat the guest with utmost care and guide them into each and every step that guests needs. "The front office department is the first departmemt having responsibility to interact with the guest mostly when the guest enters into the Hotel. So, Front office department people should have the capability to address the guest and satify the guest by their words". Suggested by Mr.K Surendra.

After that, an interactive session held where the students put their queries and assisted by answers for each of them with a keen reference. Mr. Raju has commented on Don Bosco Tech saying Providing livelihood training is not only helps the students alone, but also the entire would be benefited once the trainee gets into work" appreciated by guest.

At the end of the session, The guests have described about the various levels of hierarchy that are existing in the Hospitality industry and the shortest path to achieve better positions soon. The session was a very motivating and encouraging for the Trainees. It was an honor to interact with the guests to benefit some tips about their work place. Trainees were truly happy about the guest lecture and gained experiencial words to keep on trust about the work of Hospitality industry to get settle soon.