On June 26 2021, amidst the digital realm, the vibrant team of Guntur Don Bosco Tech orchestrated a remarkable online gathering, hosting a Guest Lecture on the intricacies of BPO by none other than Mr. Satyanarayana, Manager at HDFC Bank in Guntur. Sponsored by Accenture and overseen locally by the diligent sisters of JMJ Social Service Society, the event was a testament to collaboration and community empowerment.

Welcomed warmly by the esteemed Sr. Denin Mary and Sr. Jayasheela, alongside the dedicated center staff, the session commenced with an infectious welcome song, setting the tone for an enriching discourse. Mr. Satyanarayana's engagement with the students was met with enthusiasm, as he delved into the fundamentals of BPO management, elucidating its departments and operational nuances.

Addressing not just the technical aspects but also the essential soft skills, Mr. Satyanarayana emphasized the importance of customer service etiquette, patience, and effective communication. His insights, garnered from years of industry experience, provided invaluable guidance to the eager attendees, many of whom hailed from diverse backgrounds, eager to carve a path towards economic stability.

As the session unfolded, interactive discussions flourished, with students posing insightful queries, each met with Mr. Satyanarayana's astute responses. From navigating career progression to fostering a culture of excellence, every exchange was steeped in wisdom and practical advice.

Reflecting on the broader impact of vocational training, Mr. Satyanarayana remarked, "Empowering individuals through livelihood training not only transforms lives but uplifts entire communities. Don Bosco Tech's commitment to this cause is truly commendable, and it's an honor to contribute, albeit modestly, to such a noble endeavor."

In an era defined by virtual connectivity, this event stood as a beacon of hope and opportunity for the youth of Guntur. Guided by the collective efforts of Don Bosco Tech, Accenture, and dedicated mentors like Mr. Satyanarayana, these aspiring professionals are poised to navigate the dynamic landscape of the BPO industry with confidence and competence.