Don Bosco Tech Guntur  (JMJSSS)

Department of Food & Beverage Services - Steward 

 Guest Lecture report of B2 (Hospitality)

  December 3, 2019.

To provide the extra industrial familiarity and skills with experiencial words related to Hospitality indutry for the trainees, the team of Don Bosco Tech Guntur organized a Guest Lecturer for Hospitality domain on December 3rd 2019. Mr.P.  Prudhvi, General Manager and Mr.Srinivas, HR Manager at Hotel Capital,3rd  lane, Rajendra Nagar, Guntur were invited as Guest lecturers to the centre.

Mr. Srinivas, HR manager has begun the session by introducing Hotel Capital and its rating in Hospitality Industry. First he started session with the behavioural skills of a steward at hotel. " Behavioural skills are most important for the people who opted for Service department, because he/she should have the face to face interaction with arrival guests in the Hotel, So, steward always bend and speak with guests and steward should always speak politely with the guests even, if they  are not". said by Mr.Srinivas.

Mr.P. Prudhvi and Mr.Srinivas surprised by the training such as working for the unemployed youth. Mr. Prudhvi started interacting with the trainees and asked about the work responsibilities of a steward. Trainees gave answers which they have known by the classes. He also explained about various departments that are concerned with hotel and he briefed about the every department key responsibilities to have the great knowledge about each department.

Apart from this the major issue that’s been discussed is importance of grooming status and serving techniques, and also how to get good experience to get higher levels at Hotel industry.  After that they have suggested the trainees to be constant at their work place to learn more and more experience to get good promotion levels at hotel industry. 

At the end, Mr.P. Prudhvi and Mr.Srinivas appreciated Don Bosco Tech Skilling India for providing this kind of trainings for the needy youth and they were surprised about the agenda of conducting guest lectures to get experiencial words for the trainees to be trustful about the workplace. Finally he said it was an honor to interact with the trainees to be apart to shine their lives. The session winded up with a group photo.