Don Bosco Tech Guntur (JMJSSS)

Field Visit Report of Hospitality

December 19, 2019.


To attain the virtual enlightment in Hospitality Industry, The Don Bosco Tech Guntur (JMJSSS Nallapadu), Andhra Pradesh conducted an exposure visit in Hotel Sindoori on Decemebr 19th, 2019 with the concern person Mr.K.Surendra, the Front Office Manager of Hotel Sindoori. He received the trainees and send them to observe all the departments at hotel by assisting a team leader. The team leader explained about the various services provided by their reputed hotel. He also explained the trainees about the importance of learning different languages to face and handle with the different country people for work in Hospitality Industry.

He explained about Hotel Departments and he showed all the departments in the hotel. The departments having at hotel are Front Office, Stores, Security, Purchase, House Keeping, Coffee Shop, Restaurant, Banquet Halls, Room Service, Bed Making, House Keeping Amenities, Bar, and Kitchen. He also explained about the front office department responsibilities and he briefly explained, how to receive the Guest at Hotel and how to behave with the Guests and also briefed about how to handle the situation when the Guests complains about an any issue related to the Hotel.

The Team Leader gathered all the trainees at one place in Hotel. Mr.Surendra front office manager took an opportunity to speak with trainees about the hotel industry. He asked about observation criteria points about the Hotel Sindoori. He explained about interaction between Guests and employees.  " Employees have to give much importance to the Guests and also need to be attentive always to explain about the items or services provided by the hotel according to their needs. Customer satisfaction is very important in every aspect". said by Mr.K.Surendra

He also suggested the trainees to have the knowledge in housekeeping and table settings. He gave an explaination about grooming skills and how the grooming status can take the place at Hotel Industry. He was very happy with our Don Bosco Tech trainees and promised that they will provide good placements for our trainees. Hence our trainees felt very happy and exposure visit closed by a Group Photo.