Don Bosco Tech, Sulthan Bathery conducted 1st parents' meeting and batch inauguration on Feb 15, 2021. It was organized on an online platform. State team members, Mr. Jooby Thomas, Mr.Digit Jose, and Anila Samson participated in the event. Centre team member, Br. Philip, Mr. Vinod, and Mrs. Jincy participated from the center part.

Twenty-three electrician domestic solution trainees and parents attended the meeting.  The agenda of the meeting is the batch inauguration, what is going to happen as part of the training and placement. Mr.Vinod spoke about Don Bosco Tech skill training and the Don Bosco Tech institutions. He also welcomed all the participants.

The presidential address was held by Br. Philip who is head of the center. He explained don Bosco's childhood as well as how Don Bosco founded a new church for the upliftment of the youth. In how many countries are Don Bosco institutions now operating? Who leads the activities? He spoke in detail about things. The batch was inaugurated by Mr.jooby. He is the state coordinator. They talked about the need to attend a class every day. The benefits to them of doing so, How to behave in an online class, How much it will help to get the job and all so job opportunities talked about that. At last, the lamp was lit and the batch inaugurated.

Mr.Digit Jose and Mrs. Anila Samson greeted the ceremony. Parents were given feedback. It was a great interaction between the teacher and the parents, for the development of their children where they discussed both the strengths and areas of improvement. Any sign of a child failing to make progress, regardless of where they are in the lower, middle or higher range is questioned and addressed.

The meeting came to an end with the conclusion that joint effort, mutual understanding, and co-operation of parents and teachers are very important for the proper nourishment and progress of students. At the end of the ceremony, Mrs. jincy shared a vote of thanks.