Don Bosco Tech Sulthan Bathery, celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ in a grand manner on Wednesday 22-12-2021 with a crib set up by teachers and students. The students had beautifully decorated their classrooms with bells, stars, streamers and angels. Teachers and students sang Christmas carol. Fr. Thomas Poovelical (Rector Don Bosco Bathery) blessed the crib, Br. Philip (Principal, Don Bosco Bathery), Fr.Joy Ullattil, and trainer Vinod. P gave Christmas messages to students and teachers. The Christmas trees in their respective classrooms were decorated up beautifully. Trainees conducted carol song and dances. The teachers also sang and danced with the children. The smiles on the faces of the children when Santa moved around distributing sweets was something that couldn’t be missed by anyone. It was indeed true that the warmth of Christmas was felt from the heart and the actions just proved it right.