Creating awareness on HIV/AIDS to DB BEST trainee
22 Feb 2020
Don Bosco Tech Society (Lingarajpuram) has been regularly conducting at least one lecture on HIV & AIDS for all its batches before passing out. For this batch too similar program was held on February 22, 2020, at DB BEST Academy Bangalore. Dr. Micheal Babu Raj (Coordinator, Sneha Gram, Bangalore) was invited as the resource person was warmly welcomed by Mr. Kennady (Centre Coordinator) who introduced him to the trainees. The resource person made them aware of the symptoms, prevention, and treatment of the same.
As the session progressed Dr. Raj spoke to the trainees about HIV/AIDS, facts of it, its history, the symptoms of the disease, methods to identify and also told them to be aware of this pandemic, and about the prevention and treatment. The trainees were explained the differences between HIV and AIDS. Referring to the UNICEF findings of 2018 said, “India is estimated to have 1,20,000 children and adolescents aged 0-19 are infected with HIV.” Added, “More than six newborn children are affected in the families where one or both the parents are infected with HIV. 56% of PLHIVs (People Living with HIV, AIDS) are women and 40% of these women are widows, divorced, and deserted,” said Dr. Babu.
The session continued with the screening of a short film called ‘AMMA’, meaning ‘mother’. The core theme of the movie is about the social discrimination of HIV/AIDS patients.
Trainees seemed to be happy with the session as it was dynamically filled with activities. Through the group activities and mock interviews they clearly understood HIV/AIDS. Many doubts of the trainees got clarified for those who had s myth about it’s human to human transmission.
This lecture helped trainees in many different ways. They came to know more about HIV/AIDS and ways to curb its spread. The trainees also took an oath to respect those infected with HIV/AIDS. The session concluded with a vote of thanks to Dr. Raj.