Challenges may be new. Technologies may be new. But the values upon which the foundation to success depends on honesty, integrity, courage, tolerance, curiosity, loyalty, and patriotism. These may be old. But are true to their nature.

The above statement is proven, time and again, as we inaugurated the STT batch in Don Bosco Skill Mission, Bangalore. The inauguration of the Data Center Management Operation course took place on December 03, 2020, in which the students actively contributed their share of success. The program was planned meticulously. The event kick-started with invoking the presence of God through devotional audio/visual song to the Holy Spirit. This was preceded by lighting the lamp by Mr. Shankar (Director, STT), his team, and the DBSM team. 

Fr. Joseph Elavanel (Director, DBSM) welcomed the gathering recalling his memories. The staff members Mr. Christi Plavian (Trainer) and Mr. Dharmaraj (Trainer) were the sole organizers of the program. Master Sumit danced so well to welcome the gathering through which the audience was overwhelmed. 22 vibrant students were incepted to undergo this training.

Mr. Shankar and the STT team gave the induction for the aspirants. During the interaction, the trainees clarified their doubts viz. Definition of Date Center, features of Data Center, Sector and the function of Date Center, redundant of Data Center, Security of the Data Center, and the like.

The inauguration function was concluded by handing over gifts to the dignitaries, as a token of love. In short, the inauguration ceremony was concluded with a sumptuous meal for all.