To dig deep into the sphere of training the Food and Beverages Service Stewards (F&B) trainees of Don Bosco Tech Society, Ongole had been to the Hotel Central Park on November 18, 2020, located at Ongole. During their visit, these trainees gathered a lot of knowledge on grooming and how it helps. The types of cutleries and plates, and also the cuisines; Indian, Chinese, continental, etc. were learnings among others.

On their arrival, these trainees stepped into the hotel’s front office department where they got to observe how the staff were well-groomed. Not only that they bore smiling faces and used polite words; please, thank you, so that the guest feel at ease as they enter the hotel. This observation reminded them of the lessons these candidates learned in the class.

After about fifteen minutes these trainees moved on to the Food & Beverage Service Section where they saw the courteous behavior of the stewards. These stewards looked very neat and clean in their appearance, going about explaining the special items to the guest, enquiring about their needs, and serving food courteously.

The service department manager explained to them the techniques of serving food to the guests, and he showed various serving methods and how to hold the serving spoons while serving the food. He also explained, how to arrange the table for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The manager categorically showed them how dinner plates different from the other plates. "Food and Beverage department responsible person should have the responsibility to maintain high standards of hygiene, service, food cost, managing methods of handling the restaurants and bars,” said the manager.

The service manager also told the trainees about the various types of cuisines they serve. He said, “Depending on national, regional or international guest cuisines are served. For example; Italian, Chinese, continental, etc. This means we serve cuisines of more than one country.”

The F&B trainees of Ongole had a great learning time. They seem to have enjoyed taking a tour to all the departments especially the food and beverages department. Besides grooming they learned a lot about the types of cuisine, plates, and cutleries used in the hotels. It was indeed a great exposure for these boys and girls. Before leaving the hotel they thanked the manager and all those who helped to make this trip a success.