Guest Lecture of Assistant Electrician conducted at Don Bosco Tech Society (DB Tech) Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh on July 23, 2022. We are invited Mr. Ramesh Kumar as a Guest Teacher. He is Electrical Trainer of Shivalik ITI Nalagarh. Mr. Harish Kumar (Assistant Electrical Trainer, DB Tech) welcomed and introduced guest to the trainees.


The Objective of the guest lecture is to impart fundamental knowledge of electrical. He chooses the topics - Electron flow in conductor and definition of current voltage resistance and also fluorescent tube connection diagram and tube wiring diagram, theory and symbol electrical. He gave an introduction about fluorescent tube connection, diagram, and theory and symbol electrical.


Students also learn about fluorescent tube light production and its need. He explained advantages of fluorescent tube it is more energy efficient than incandescent lamps, longer operational lifespan, better light diffusions and distribution, less heat emission. Students also gain the knowledge about the disadvantages of fluorescent tube it is relatively expensive than incandescent lamps because they are more complicated to manufacture. He explained theory of fluorescent tube with diagram and also discussed about some electrical symbols like ampere-meter, voltmeter, millimeter, bell, choke, star and delta. The trainees found the lecture session very useful. The guest lecture ended with a vote of thanks to the guest lecturer for spending some of his valuable time and sharing his most experienced knowledge with the trainees on an interesting topic.