On August 12th, 2022, in the quaint village of Benedictpathar, nestled amidst the lush landscapes of Assam, a transformative gathering took place, marking the inception of Batch B4 (220514) Accenture 12 at Don Tech, Rangajan team's initiative. Within the rustic charm of this rural setting, Mr. Christofer Francis, the seasoned Trainer for Mushroom Grower Job Role, and Mr. Patras Ekka, the adept Trainer for ITES, convened with 24 eager trainees to embark on a journey of empowerment and self-sufficiency.

Amidst the verdant backdrop, discussions resonated with the essence of opportunity and resilience. As the sun cast its warm glow upon the gathering, the trainees were enlightened about the collaborative efforts of Accenture, NSDC, and Don Bosco Tech Programmes in sculpting pathways to prosperity. Delving into the fabric of self-employment, the trainers elucidated the intricacies of mushroom cultivation, weaving a tapestry of skill development and market acumen.

Against the backdrop of Assam's pastoral beauty, echoes of inquiry filled the air, as trainees sought clarity on rural challenges, training durations, and the tantalizing prospects of self-employment. With fervor, the trainers navigated through queries, painting a portrait of resilience amidst adversity.

In the tranquil embrace of rural life, the trainees found solace and aspiration. Mrs. Pinky Urang, her voice resolute, encapsulated the collective sentiment, "We crave not just sustenance, but empowerment. Through entrepreneurship, we aspire to forge paths of independence, not just for ourselves but for our families and communities."

In the heart of Benedictpathar, a beacon of hope flickered to life, illuminating dreams of self-reliance and prosperity. This gathering wasn't merely a meeting; it was a symphony of aspiration, a testament to the indomitable spirit of rural India, resonating through the corridors of time.