On November 20, 2019, Chithra Don Bosco Chitradurga orchestrated a transformative event at Don Bosco Tech, where the trainees embarked on a journey of enlightenment centered around "Gender Equality and Awareness on Laws and Regulations." The day commenced with the esteemed presence of Rev. Fr. John Peter, Mrs. Dilshad Unnisa, Mr. Aranya Sagar, Rev. Fr. Sonychen Mathew, and Mr. Viswasagar.

Mrs. Dilshad Unnisa, a distinguished Penal Advocate, navigated through the intricate provisions of the Constitution, urging vigilance from all. Rev. Fr. John Peter, in a poignant moment, shared personal anecdotes, offering profound insights gleaned from his life's journey.

The highlight of the event was Mr. Viswasagar's engaging sessions, where he unravelled the complexities of gender dynamics through interactive activities. From dissecting the concept of gender to exploring the root causes behind gender bias in society, every aspect was delved into with utmost clarity. Participants were challenged to ponder over the birth of societal norms dictating the roles of men and women, and the repercussions they entail.

The discourse further ventured into the realm of politics, questioning the disparity in female representation and the systemic hurdles hindering women's progress. Through poignant narratives, the harrowing realities of gender-based violence were brought to light, igniting a collective resolve to combat such injustices.

The session culminated with students' feedback, underscoring the impact of the day's deliberations. As the echoes of empowerment resonated through the hall, each participant departed equipped with newfound knowledge and a heightened awareness of their role in fostering gender equality, both at home and beyond.