Mega Quiz competition at Don Bosco Tech- Chitradurga
03 Dec 2019
“Learning gives Creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking provides knowledge, and Knowledge makes us Great."
Don Bosco Tech- Chitradurga has successfully conducted "Quiz competition" on December 3, 2019, for the current batch trainees. The theme for the competition was "The Spirit of Talent."
Quiz competitions are always interesting and informative, which provide excitement among the trainees and also make them aware of current affairs.
Trainees were divided into 6 groups (Challenging stars, Shining stars, Power stars, Nine stars, Abdul Kalam and Madakari) for Quiz competition. The competition started at 3:30 PM and trainers wished them to do the best. Rules and regulations of the quiz were explained in the beginning by Mr. Javeed (BPO Trainer). The trainees in each group gave a tough battle to each other. The competition was engaged by Br. Narasappa along with the trainers of Don Bosco Tech (Chitradurga). The interesting competition included objective questions with options, and symbols were related to Current Events, Basic English Grammar, Basic Computer, History, Literature of Kannada, General Knowledge, the importance of Retail, BPO, and Solar Electrical, etc.
The trainees showcased their hidden talent by answering the questions. All the teams participated actively and the team that scored the most was Power stars, and the second and third position was grabbed by Abdul Kalam and Shining stars. It was a very informative and knowledge enriching competition for the trainees. Don Bosco Tech (Chitradurga) encourages such positive competitions and hopes to bring out the best in all its trainees through such competitive events, while ensuring that the trainees learn through all possible ways- not just through books and class.
The winners will receive the prizes by the Fr. Sonychen Mathew, (Director of Chithra) on December 21, 2019, in 2nd parents meeting cum valedictory program. The informative event concluded at