To enhance the skills of the trainees, Don Bosco Tech, Sabbavaram, Andhra Pradesh organized a guest lecture for the SBI Debt Recovery virtually on the 17th February 2021. Mr Sivaiah Introduced Ms Lesilen Jose who was invited as a lecturer to the trainees. Ms Lesilen Jose is a Retail Trainer working in DREDS Bangalore. The topic of her discussion was ‘Soft-Skills and Strategies for Debt Recovery’.

The focus of the lecture was on various suitable styles of communication that customers find convenient and how to convince debtors to pay off the dues by informing them about the non-payment penalties. And also covered the various skills required to be a debt recovery agent.

The topics briefed during the guest lecture which are life skills at the workplace are becoming increasingly important as organizations look for additional value to their business.

 Learning for the students:

 It was a nice learning experience for both students and faculty members about the new topics which can help in their career on the right path. Trainees thoroughly enjoyed the session, participated actively and they have clarified some of their doubts as well about the debt recovery.

Learning Outcomes:

The objective of the lecture was to build the various skills and strategies for the Debt Recovery Agents. They were made aware of the importance of Soft-Skills required to be a Debt Recovery Agent also they have learnt the skills about communication with the debtors to convince them to be paid off the amount according to the norms of SBI.

The guest lecture was conducted for one hour. It was a great opportunity indeed for the trainees to work hard and to stay with stability at the workplace.  At the end of the session, Mr Sivaiah thanked the Guest lecturer for her marvellous talk.