Don Bosco Tech Sambalpur team organized a Parents’ meeting of Accenture phase – 11, batch – 2, on November 10, 2020. As running through a tough time of COVID -19 Pandemic so we arranged this meet virtually in digital Platform (Google meet) and conference call with the parents. To make the gap shorter between parents of our beloved trainees and our trainers, the programme was coordinated by Mr. Sarat Chandra Dash (Domain Trainer) and Mr. Sarada Prasad Nanda (Support domain trainer) was present to run the programme smoothly. Many parents have attended this event from different corner of Sambalpur and Bargad district.

At first Mr. Sarada Prasad Nanda Hartley welcomed the parents and gave the opening remarks on the purpose the meet followed by update and effect of COVID on our Country. Then Mr. Sarat Chandra Dash briefed about working profile of Accenture Project as well as skilling mission work for Youth’s Skill development for the young mass which is running all over India by DB Tech. Parents were made aware about the Placement & training program through online classes’ procedure of our organization. All possible trainings and requirements of essential methods to candidates are being provided by the respective trainers without hesitation. We provide them the appropriate environment through online classes to mingle with all the students in order to make them cheerful and express all their talents which they possess. Soothing words and more information regarding future of their children & the working profile of our organization were given by both the trainer.

Parents enquired the possible questions which arises in their minds and were all cleared up by the both the trainers. According to the above discussion the parents were satisfied with the answers. At last Mr. Sarada thanked all the parents for involved in this event and made the meet success and the session was ended up with some points how we can save our family and ourselves from the deadly COVID virus.