The first guest lecturer session for the Graphic Designer job role was successfully organized at Don Bosco Tech Sambalpur Center on “Introduction of Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop interface” on November 28, 2022 for the trainees of batch - 3 under Accenture -12. Mr.Swagat Acharya, from AK Photography, was invited as the Guest Lecturer.

The session started with welcome address by the domain trainer Mr. Lalgopal Nanda. He introduced Mr. Swagat Acharya to deliver the lecture.

After a brief introduction, Mr. Swagat Started the session with a short warm-up story. He briefed the trainees on Photoshop including creating a new document, and opening and saving files along with Photoshop layers and shortcuts. He explained the importance of layers panel that displays the list of layers that artwork contains while allowing selecting or re-ordering the layers as per requirement along with a collection of actions one can perform over those layers. He has described layers panel such as like layer visibility, layer looking option, layer blending mode, fill/ opacity, layer option menu, link layers, layer styles, new fill or adjustment layer etc.

In the later part of the session, he deliberated on the Photoshop toolbox and user interface in Photoshop. In this part of the session, Mr. Swagat invited quarries’ from trainees’. The trainees showered him not only with quarries on the topic but also with quarries on carrier and placement opportunities in the relevant field. Mr. Swagat answered the queries on the topic without wasting any time. Before concluding his session the guest enlightens the students on the bright carrier one can make in computer graphics and designs and the placement opportunities available for beginners. Mr. Swagat was highly appreciative of the participation of the trainees in the process.

At the end of the session came to a close with a vote of thanks and a few words of appreciation by Mr. Dillip Kumar Behera for the guest Mr. Swagat, the guest for sparing his valuable time for the event to educate the trainees.