Don Bosco Tech Chandigarh organized a Constitution Day celebration on Nov 26th, 2020. In this program cluster coordinator Mrs.Manpreet Kaur, center coordinator, Mrs.Jayati Kakkar, Trainers Ms. Navneet Kaur, and Mrs. Chamandeer Kaur were present. It was for both of the domains (CRM AND GDA). 

There are about 35 Students who have participated in the virtual celebration. Out of 35 students, 5 students have given a speech on our constitution of India and 3 students have spoken some lines to dedicate on praise for India. 

They told us the importance of our constitution and the rights and duties that we are enjoying. They also told us the meaning of secular, sovereign, and socialist nation. 
Our trainers told the history of our constitution when it is adopted and when it was get effected on26th January as a republic day. The trainers and the students also took the pledge of Indian preamble.