On August 10, 2020, Don Bosco Tech Chandigarh conducted a guest lecture on the Zoom meeting app. It was for Assistant Beauty Therapist Trainees. Mrs. Sarla Ahlawat, an entrepreneur at Punjab University, Chandigarh, was the resource person. Our beautician trainees of Chandigarh and Kharar locations joined this session. They were nearly 30 trainees in this session

Mrs. Ahlawat is running her own beauty salon for more than two decades. She has trained more than 50 girls so far in beauty tips. Many girls are earning a very good amount because of their training. Mrs. Ahlawat discussed beauty skills, doing good make-ups, and other beauty-related tips. She told about the earnings and fame in this sector.

Trainees learned a lot from this session. They were very confident at the end of the session. It was great learning for them. The trainees felt very happy and motivated after the guest lecture and they promised that they also would give complete dedication and focus towards training and get a job as well after the completion of training.