On March 12 2021, Don Bosco Tech Chandigarh conducted a guest lecture through the Zoom meeting app for the CRM batch BPO/KPO/CALL Centres beginner’s executives. It was conducted by Mrs Preeti Sharma and Mr Pradeep Sharma. She is a Senior Manager in the IT Technology in IT Park Chandigarh and Mr Pradeep Sharma is the Director of the company. They discussed the importance and workflow of kpo/bpo. The trainees of Chandigarh location has joined this session. There were 2 trainers who participated along with the trainees. It was a great learning for all the trainees. The students had many queries. The guest lecturers shared their experiences and explained about engaging in cold calling for sales, telemarketing, conducting surveys and setting up appointments.They also conveyed that there is a great future in this field. The trainees were grateful to the lecturers. They felt motivated after the guest lecture and they also felt the need to share their knowledge with others to make India a developed country.