A combined parents meeting was conducted by Don Bosco Tech Society (DB Tech)at Jalandhar Center on November 19, 2020, for the trainees of both the domains, called Trainees Sales Associate and Assistant Electrician. 

Mr. Deepak Chana Trainer Ass. Electrician and Mr. Shivam Trainer Sales Associate invited all the parents to attend this virtual meeting on the Zoom application as communication between parents and teachers is essential to student success in the classroom. 

As part of this communication, teachers should be regularly meeting with parents to discuss what is being taught and how the student is progressing. In addition, conferences may be needed to resolve concerns over a student's specific academic or behavioral issues. A short meeting or conference between the parents and teachers to discuss the trainee’s progress about conducting online classes through Zoom Application was a utilitarian action. 

The domain trainers informed the parents of the skill level of each trainee to each parent. Ms. Manpreet Kaur State Coordinator Punjab and Himachal Pradesh participated in this event and interacted with both students and the parents. They took the feedback of the classes conducted online and about the experience that they are taking here. Around 25 parents took part in the meeting with the trainees.