Guest Lecture Ass. Beauty Therapist
11 Feb 2020
At Don Bosco Tech Society (Jalandhar, Punjab) the guest lecture was arranged for the trainees of Assistant Beauty Therapist (ABT) on February 11, 2020. Mr. Davinder Kumar (Hair Technician - Beauty and Style Salon, Jandiala Manjki) was invited to brief on Hair & Hair Products.
Played name games, to build rapport, as he started to interact with the students. By showing some hair products used in chemical jobs he said, “The product knowledge is in the profession of Beauty and Hair.” He also mentioned that there is a wide range of hair products like Wella, Tressme, Loreal, Matrix ect. are available in the market but it should be chosen carefully by the user or the service provider and original products should be used. Not to forget to look for the expiry date and instructions to use the product are the most important elements to be taken care of. . He made the student learn about the mixing of volume in Blonder like Vol. 20, Vol.30 Vol.40. He told them about their reactions that Vol 2 take longer time to give the results and Vol. 30 is little faster but Vol. 40 is fastest and strongest among these. After the application visible checking is must so that the desired colour can be checked. He also told some new hair coloring techniques like Blayage, Ombre, Sombre etc.
The session ended with a vote of thanks extended by the centre team to Mr. Davinder for sharing his knowledge.